The CoMarketing Platform

Enabling B2C companies to join forces and sell more

Case History

According to Adam Singolda, Founder and CEO of Taboola, "all businesses that reach people at scale will start to show ads as an additional revenue stream". Not only do we agree, we believe that it is possible to go even further! With WorldcApp - The CoMarketing Platform - a B2C company can significantly improve sales performance by joining marketing forces with other complementary and non-competing brands (across fashion, design, hospitality, etc.) and taking full advantage of our approach to cooperation through the WoW (Weights of WorldcApp) algorithm.

On the other hand, VENUS.Gallery (linked below) is an editorial project specifically designed in collaboration with Jamal Taslaq Couture - a brand that tells the story of an extraordinary journey that took its founder from Nablus in Palestine to New York City at the United Nation Headquarters, passing through Italy - to establish partnerships with other media, celebrate the work of the best creatives and make them compete in the (Worldc)App - now Creativity also has its World Cup!

In other words and more precisely, with The CoMarketing Platform (WorldcApp) and its perfect match (VENUS.Gallery) your brand can build a large and profitable community in a climate of competition between creatives, collaboration with the media and cooperation among partners - a concrete opportunity to implement a 360-degree communication strategy that involves and integrates all the players in the marketing and advertising field.


After his predictions the Taboola's Vionary added in an article for CNBC: "With Apple and Google that are spelling the end for user-tracking, there is a path forward but it requires a new approach, or perhaps an old one". WorldcApp's approach consists of a community development process to build "your owned audience", go beyond user-tracking practices and move toward Web 3.0:

0 - A partnership with Jamal Taslaq Couture allows us to gather creatives through the VENUS.Gallery Editorial Project;

1 - CREATIVES of all types compete with their contents and provide marketing services through their social accounts;

2 - B2C MEDIA and PARTNERS bring the competitions and the related contents to a wider audience with our technology;

3 - CUSTOMERS and BRAND ENTHUSIASTS challenge each other with their ability to identify the best contents in competition.

In the light of what is described above, there are at least three reasons to embrace WorldcApp. First, it introduces a new player - the complementary and non-competing company - and integrates it with others in the field of marketing and advertising; second, it celebrates creativity in all its forms with a climate of merit-based competition and the VENUS.Gallery Editorial Project; third, it responds to the growing privacy concerns with a business model that pioneers the transition from business-to-consumer (Web 2.0) to business-to-community (Web 3.0) culture.